tekom - Tagungen

From text to video; transformation is a process

  • Fachvortrag
  • Intelligent Content Creation and Delivery
  • 18. September
  • 14:35 - 15:20 PM (CET)
  • Titanium
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Wouter Maagdenberg

    Wouter Maagdenberg

    • TXTOmedia International BV


From written instructions to video, is not only a technical challenge. It also requires organizational change. We - TXTOmedia | The Video Automation Company - provide an overview of what we've seen and learned. Having been involved in numerous projects and having seen multiple business cases we present an overview of critical success factors, like KPIs, collaboration across teams and addressing the right audiences with the right modular content. In short, this presentation is about 'Lessons learned' so far. We will guide the audience based on our 'maturity model' to help determine where you are today, and what your next step(s) could be in order to become (or stay) succesfull with video. 


We'll explain:

 It's not only about the right technology, it's also about understanding the real requirements. 

KPIs, people and processes need attention too.

Creating video, not only the TechCom team should be involved.

Prior knowledge

We briefly touch upon the concept of Structured Content and Component Content Management, so a deeper understanding of these concepts is not discussed and is considered to be known.

Topics from Publications become separate instruction videos. What components are to Topics and Publications, are fragments to videos.


 Wouter Maagdenberg

Wouter Maagdenberg

  • TXTOmedia International BV

Wouter’s role as CEO combines strategic product management with business development. TXTOmedia – The Video Automation Company – offers technology to automatically create and localize training, instruction, and how-to videos at scale, based on (existing) structured content.