tekom - Tagungen

New regulations in Europe - New tasks and opportunities for Technical Communication

  • Fachvortrag
  • Legal Requirements and Standards
  • 18. September
  • 14:35 - 15:20 PM (CET)
  • Scandium
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Gabriela Fleischer

    Gabriela Fleischer


New and revised European legislative projects increasingly rely on technical communication as an instrument to achieve the respective objectives of the regulations or directives. This applies, for example, with regard to new information requirements, documentation obligations to promote sustainable product aspects or to promote the security of products with digital elements and systems that utilise artificial intelligence. It also applies with regard to the introduction of new information products such as the Digital Product Passport. This applies, for example, to the eco-design of sustainable products, the marketing of construction products, the promotion of product repair, enableing comsumers to make informed choices with respect to sustainability aspects of products, cyber resilience and systems with artificial intelligence,


Technical communication is given new tasks with regard to preparing information for use on sustainable and security product aspects.  

Prior knowledge



 Gabriela Fleischer

Gabriela Fleischer


Dr. Gabriela Fleischer, Dipl.-Oecotrophologin, has been working at tekom Deutschland e.V. since May 2022 as officer for standards and legal regulations and is appointed as an expert in the national and international committees for the ISO/IEC standard series 82079. Previously, she worked in various consumer organizations (e.g. DIN Consumer Council) on sustainability, information for use, legibility of price labeling. In 2012, she was awarded the IEC 1906 Award for her work as a convenor on IEC 82079-1.