tekom - Tagungen

What to choose

  • Fachvortrag
  • Level up your technical communication
  • 19. September
  • 13:20 - 14:05 PM (CET)
  • Scandium
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  • MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

    MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

    • TBRO


There is this battle of giants. One philosophy or technology vs another. Or if you wish, one solution against another solution.

In this session I will talk, investigate and debate some of this.

I’ll narrow it down to the ”battle” between a technology represented by an open XML solution and/or two CCMS strains: DocBook and DITA.

I’ll not take one side over the other. That’s too objective but look at the processes and decisions you should make before going one way or the other—for all the right and wrong reasons.

It’s about making the correct decisions before you call a vendor and say,” I like your tool/solution.”

An analogy: You like Mercedes. You want it. It’s prestigious, beautiful, and drives like a charm. It’s far better than the Range Rover, which you think is a bit clunky and more. Once you get the Mercedes, and it’s too late, you find out that you can only use it to drive dirt and mountain roads.”

This session is about not making this mistake.


Don't choose a new tool based on a hunch or simple Google search, and then start a process that you can't stop. And can prove fatal. This presentation looks at the choice between different philosophies and technologies

Prior knowledge

Anyone who might be in the situation of thinking of jumping ship, or anyone just missing the arguments to upper management as to what to do.


MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

MR Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

  • TBRO

32+ years in the industry of technical communication as a designer, consultant, wizard, manager