NORDIC TechKomm Copenhagen
The Conference on User Experience and Technical Communication
The Conference on User Experience and Technical Communication
RWS is the global leader in content management and translation technology and services — more than 80 of the top 100 global companies work with us. Tridion Docs is our DITA-based Component Content Management System (CCMS). It allows you to optimize and automate complex content processes at scale and with confidence. You can author, review, localize, manage and deliver information using structured content and AI to create technical documentation, policies, procedures and other types of critical and regulatory content.
TCTrainNet is an English-language international online training and certification program for technical communication.
TCTrainNet offers two course types on a different course level: The TCTrain Professional Course and the TCTrain Expert Course. Both prepare you for international certification as "Technical Communicator (tekom)".
MiramoPDF is a powerful GUI template-controlled PDF formatter for the automated publishing of XML, DITA, S1000D or any other structured content. Highly sophisticated document designs can be 100% created and maintained ‘out of the box’ using the feature rich GUI template designer and XSLT extension points allow full control over any bespoke formatting requirements, no matter how complex.
MiramoPDF is open standards based and easily integrates with any CCMS, CMS or structured content editing environment. It is used worldwide in the financial, manufacturing, government, and healthcare sectors.